Microblading Medical Services in STILL BEAUTY & MED SPA

Natural-Looking Eyebrows

Full eyebrows are on trend right now, with celebrities like Cara Delevingne and Emma Watson sporting thick brows with a natural arch. You can have these beautiful and natural-looking eyebrows with microblading treatments at Still Beauty & Med Spa in Ajax, Ontario.

natural looking eyebrows

Microblading Q & A

  • What is microblading?

    Microblading is a semi-permanent, customized eyebrow treatment in which a trained and certified esthetician uses a unique tool to apply thin, hair-like lines of pigment to your eyebrows. Microblading can fill in thin or sparse eyebrows and create a full and natural look if you’ve over-plucked your brows in the past. The estheticians at Still Beauty & Med Spa are trained and certified to provide microblading treatments and can help you create beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows.

  • What happens during a microblading treatment?

    Before starting the process, your esthetician provides a consultation to determine if microblading is the right treatment for you and answer your questions. A microblading treatment, which can take place on the same day as your consultation, usually takes around two hours. Most of this time is spent drawing and perfecting your eyebrows before applying the pigment.

    You can request a topical anesthetic during microblading. This keeps you comfortable while your esthetician uses a special microblading pen to draw individual strokes, creating the eyebrows you’ve always wanted.

  • How should eyebrows be taken care of after a microblading treatment?

    One of the benefits of microblading is that it requires no downtime. Your eyebrow area may be a little pink directly after your treatment, but the pinkness fades quickly. Your esthetician will give you personalized advice for caring for your brows, but typically you’ll use a gentle cleanser and apply a small amount of a moisturizing ointment in the evenings.
    Your eyebrows will look darker for the first week or so following your microblading appointment. As your eyebrows heal, the pigment will fade to a more natural look. You will be provided a comprehensive post-care sheet after treatment. Your esthetician may recommend that you schedule a follow-up appointment approximately a month after your initial session for any touch-ups.

  • Is microblading permanent?

    Microblading is a semi-permanent treatment. Most people have microblading touch-up appointments each year to keep their eyebrows looking perfect.

  • How much does microblading cost?

    The cost of microblading varies from person to person, depending on your needs. Your esthetician provides a customized quote during your initial consultation.
    If you’re interested in microblading and creating beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows, call Still Beauty & Med Spa to schedule a consultation today.
    *Individual results may vary.